Keep a record of cryptocurrencies and analyze the current state of your funds on various exchanges and e-wallets with the help of our system.
<b>Main features of the application:
☆Both desktop and mobile versions, which will be synchronized automatically;
☆The accounting of ICO tokens (even the ones that are not issued yet);
☆Ability to add currencies that are not present in the market yet;
☆Ability to add custom exchanges and wallets;
☆The buy / sell / exchange currency functions, as well as transferring between the exchanges;
☆Calculation of portfolio dynamics and its profit/loss and ROI considering multiple transactions* (replenishment, withdrawal, exchange);
☆Calculation of currency dynamics and its profit/loss considering multiple transactions* (replenishment, withdrawal, exchange);
☆Other standard functions (exchange rates, notifications, etc.);
☆Blockchain implementation for decentralized processing and storage of users’ transaction database.</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></b></br></br>